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Briana Williamson, M.S

50 Additional Educators Complete Bias Response Certification!

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

This week, 50 Educators from across the state of Minnesota joined a unique class of educators, trained in Bias Response techniques for K-12 learning environments. Nearly half of those educators were from a single district; ISD 194 Lakeville Area Schools!

Since the launch of this NEW Bias Response Training Program from Kinect Education Group, more than 150 K12 Educators have completed Unraveling Bias: A Bias Response Certification for K12 Educators, Administrators and Leaders.

This customized learning experience, provides a unique opportunity for educators to practice scenarios of bias with other educators from across the region. Understanding how to manage racially charged situations is the best defense against large-scale problems, however many educators across the nation don't have the opportunity to receive bias response training before it's too late.

During the 3-hour training, educators explore real-world examples of bias incidents in schools and learn strategies that they can implement to ensure a welcoming and inclusive learning environment not just for some students, but ALL students. Many educators who attend the training, takeaway the importance of being a human first, and an educator second and appreciate the authentic opportunity to learn with colleagues and peers from across the region.

Teaching and Learning is a Two-Way Street

One of the central themes of discussion throughout the training experience, is the idea that teaching and learning, are not meant to be siloed actions. Teaching, much like learning, is a two-way street; a reciprocal exchange whereby educators and students have the unique opportunity to learn something new from each other, each and every day. Just as teachers set out to teach, students set out to learn. Using an equity lens to explore ways to build reciprocal relationships with students, is the cornerstone to creating a successful learning environment, where all students, rather than a just select few, have the opportunity to thrive inside and outside of the classroom.

Bias Incident or Hate Crime

According to the Department of Justice, a hate crime is defined as a "crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability,".

Here are some things to consider:

A bias incident is not a crime. If a law has been broken and/or a crime has been committed during an act that was motivated by bias or prejudice, this would still be considered a crime. While you are able to use your best judgement or rely upon institutional policy regarding the formal referral to the justice system, consistency is key. A bias incident is an act that is motivated by bias or prejudice but does not involve violence, threats, or damage to property. A bias incident is not always visible. They are acts that are sometimes heard or overheard but not always seen. They can sometimes even take place without both parties being in the same physical location (i.e social media, internet).

Top 5 Types of Bias Incidents

  1. Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry/Bias- 59.6%

  2. Religion- 18.7

  3. Sexual Orientation- 16.7%

  4. Gender Identity- 2.2%

  5. Disability- 2.1%

Though the majority of hate crimes occur in residential communities near homes (25%), 9.2% of all reported hate crimes are committed at schools, colleges or universities. A vast majority of bias incidents (53.6%) are committed by White Americans, however members of protected class groups can also commit bias incidents and/or hate crimes. While it is true that most hate crimes are committed by people over the age of 18, hate crimes may also occur any time, by people of any age and in any setting or location.

Sadly, there is no control variable. Therefore, practitioners must possess the capacity to differentiate between the two and have the ability to intervene and manage situations that impede the institutions ability to provide a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all!

Did you Know? Every educator who attends receives a FREE copy of Unraveling Bias: A Progressive Case Study Book for K12 Educators.

Next Up:

March 2020

  • Nashville, TN

  • Duluth, MN

  • Rochester, MN

  • Mankato, MN

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