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Equity Rubric

Our trademarked Equity Rubric was created with one goal in mind: to actualize equity in educational, public and private organizations.

It doesn't have to be an emergency, if you are proactive with equity work. Are you wondering how you can actualize equity in your organization, try our EquityRubricTM. This tool will help you assess your policies and practices to determine how you are weaving equity into the fabric of your organization. Equity leadership involves digging deeper into the hidden inequities that are often overlooked. Run all of your organizational policies and practices through our unique EquityRubric (TM) and develop a strategic plan, in an instant. 

Why the Equity Rubric?

The EquityRubricTM uniquely assists organizations in creating and establishing a protocol for policy review that provides a structure for institutionalizing the consideration of equity in the process of making, implementing, and assessing policy. Plainly stated, The EquityRubricTM doesn't simply serve as a temporary equity lens, but rather seeks to create a solid pathway by which organizations can set a protocol to remain committed and laser focused on improving equity in academic outcomes for the long haul. 

The Equity Rubric Protocol

The EquityRubricTM Protocol is a tool for capacity building, education, and establishing common language in the context of policy review. It serves as a filter that prompts a policy for review, ignites the disaggregation of data for further consideration and creates the parameters for setting an internal team or advisory board to consistently and proactively review policies. Ultimately, this leads to recommendations for transformative change. 

The Equity Rubric Scorecard

The EquityRubricTM Scorecard is a rubric for examining data, policy, procedure and internal norms and behaviors (practice) to identify gaps in your organization. For educational environments, this may be for groups that have been historically underrepresented and marginalized in our education system. For public and private organizations, the scorecard will help you realize service and culture gaps that impact your ability to be inclusive.

Learn about the Metrics of the Equity Rubric

Absent: Non-existent. 


Acquired: You have evidence of an emerging effort to work in DEI efforts.


Anchored: Diverse populations are drawn in and invited to engage in an inclusive and equitable way.


Actualized: Equity is the reality in outcomes through intentional policy, practice and procedures. 


Achieved: When data is disaggregated across a 3-5 year time span, equity in is consistent and easily recognized. 

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